Mrs. Wizard Does Windows
Mrs. Wizard

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Music Folder View

It sure looks different!

Vista Music Folder
Vista is great at trying to make things interesting and "easy." When you open your music folder, or any folder with music files in it, it looks more like something from your mp3 player software. You can see the title of the music file, the artist name, album name, track number... all that stuff. If you wave your mouse pointer over any of the music titles a little popup box will appear with even more information.

vista customize this folderNot bad, but what if..

What if you're an old geek like me, who just wants to see the file name, when it was created, the size, etc. You know.. all that traditional file management stuff.

You can override Vista's good intentions any time you want by clicking the word View at the top of the main window, then click the words Customize this folder. A Properties window will open where you can tweak to your heart's content.

Click the little down arrow to the right of the white box at the top of the Properties window under the Customize tab. It is in the What kind of folder do you want area.





I can see clearly now

When you click the OK button you should be able to see your music files still, but instead of the other information, now you can see the date, type and size. Now I just need to figure out why I'm not seeing the .mp3 file extensions at the end of these file names. Geez! It's always something!

Vista music folder - after



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