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Newsletter Archives...Windows Nostalgia anyone? Browse archived articles, tips and tricks at CompuQuickTips.
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FREE WALLPAPERS... Wallpaper... Look for a number 8 embedded somewhere on these wallpapers. The number 8 is said to have qualities to help bring prosperity. Hope these work for you! If you decide to put them on your desktop as wallpaper, know each one comes with my personal best wishes for your prosperity and happiness. We can all use a little prosperity right? Especially in these times. I just love them because they are pretty... and it drives my daughter nuts looking for where I have hidden the number! August 4, 2015 12:04 PMOn the NEW Mrs. Wizard I was documenting my experiences with Windows 8.1. Be sure to read What To Do When Windows 8.1 Bytes The Big One. That'll get your blood pressure up! NOW though... a NEW kid has entered the room... Windows 10 has finally arrived on my computer! Thank GOD I didn't spend a lot of time writing about Windows 8.1, because now I need to update everything to reflect this new operating system... Hint... it aint too bad, once you get it installed. So far it seems to be playing nice with all my stuff... and I have a LOT of stuff! Just one of the many curses when you are a total GEEK! Microsoft Security Essentials ... FREE security and protection from viruses and various other cooties. We have been using it on our PCs in the O'Neal house (two Dells) and are very happy with it. I have also helped a few folks put it on machines with operating systems ranging from XP to Win Vista and Windows 7. It is great on all of them. You can get rid of your free AVG and let Security essentials take care of it all... it even updates in a nice friendly manner, along with your other MS updates. I'm a believer now! Thanks Microsoft! Windows Defender is the security suite for Windows 8 and the newest Windows 10... VERY nice and doesn't suck resources while it is protecting you from yourself on your computer. Dropbox ... Save your most precious files in a very special Cloud... You can get 2 Gb FREE (even more if you like it enough to refer your friends to Dropbox) That should be fine for most people. 2 gigs will hold a LOT of images and documents! I have been using it for a while and it is amazing to know when I update a file, it will automatically be sent up and saved. No matter what computer I am working on (even my iPad and iPhone), I know the files in my Dropbox folder are always the most current. Save a file once, use it anywhere you have a Dropbox. We have the Pro plan and for just a little less than $10 a month have a whole TERABYTE of Dropbox space to use... enough to securely keep the personal files of both my PC and Mac nice and safe, as well as those on Hubby's computer. My favorite radio player for my Mac (only for macs) - Radium - NOW they have it available for our iPhones! Great Stuff! Check out the resources page for Radio Mystery Theater. It is a GREAT site if you like classic radio. Enjoy! My favorite Defragger in town for Windows, and it is GREAT (and FREE)
Thanks to Amazon and the Kindle, you can have a very special copy of my personal cookbook for your Kindle. This is the one I created to use on my own Kindle. Last year I published My Family Cookbook, a collection of favorite recipes I grew up with, along with a few I have made my own over the years. And you thought Mrs. Wizard was a GEEK! Learn to make terrific bread dough in a food processor, how to make the best tapioca pudding in the microwave, my favorite one pot meals, and lots more for only $2.99. If you have Kindle Unlimited you can read it for FREE. Amazon Prime members can also read it FREE by borrowing it and reading it on their devices wtih Kindle Owners Lending Library. Download a FREE sample and get a taste for yourself.
NO KINDLE NO PROBLEM! That's right... if you don't have a Kindle, you can still read any of the Amazon Kindle books on your PC or Mac screen, iPhone, iTouch, even Android phones and devices. You can download and install (for FREE) special Kindle software for your PC, Mac, iPhone, or Android. There is no reason you can't have these wonderful recipes at your fingertips any time you want. Browse through all the FREE Kindle Reading Apps. Get one for your favorite little machine and you will be able to take advantage of thousands of free ebooks too. Yes, Amazon gives away a lot of good books for free too! Read my blog and you can find out much more! I name names and everything... it is a great way to learn about and enjoy Kindle books, even if you never own a Kindle.
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