A person can't spend as much time on a computer as she has over the last several years and not learn SOMETHING! She loves what she does and all that goes with it. Struggling to learn a new technique or software program, or exploring the Internet, so she can help someone else be more comfortable, isn't work to her...it's just too much fun, and she refuses to feel guilty about it. Every day is a new adventure, and she loves to share! In short, I guess you could say Mrs. Wizard is a COMPUTER GEEK! (EEK!) A geek, with a very human background who has made all the stupid mistakes a person could make on or with a computer. Mrs. Wizard has learned, and is learning more every day. Every "I don't know" becomes an opportunity to learn something new. The more she learns, the more you'll learn, if you'd like to...
Affiliations and Experiences:
- SCRW (Shelby County Republican Women) Board member. Designed and maintains website. 2002-2007 Yearbook/Roster designer
- Freelance web designer
- Cruise instructor - has taught computer related classes on the Princess Lines, as well as Cunard.
- Lecturer - Topics include Internet Security (protecting yourself from hackers and identity theft), Digital Camera Fun and Introduction to the Internet.
- Occasional radio talk show guest - Internet Advisor, WJR in Detroit
- Has conducted several fund raising computer-related seminars for local business women groups
- Participates in Fund-raisers for various other organizations by donating her special skills.
- Provides individual and office staff personalized computer and software training.
Summary of Qualifications
- Special expertise in word processing, online services (she has seen them all!), spreadsheets and presentation software
- Strong knowledge of MS Publisher, CorelDRAW!, Photoshop, XARA, InDesign (used to be PageMaker) and many other desktop publishing and graphic applications.
- Skilled at progressing from computer problems to well-documented resolutions.
- Solid management skills, demonstrates proficiency in leading and mentoring individuals to maximize levels of productivity while forming cohesive team environments.
- Analytical thinker who consistently resolves ongoing issues or defects, often called upon to consult on problems that have eluded resolution by others.
- Over 15 years of experience
- Began publishing a newsletter called CompuQuickTips in April, 1995. Every month is was filled with the latest tips and tricks. December 2006 marked the end of this terrific newsletter. You can still read the archived issues.
A little humor went a long way when it came to learning about Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and all the neat software that could be purchased or downloaded for it. Then, with Windows XP , there was even more to learn! "Mrs. Wizard" began as a column offering Windows tips and tricks. The name came about because I named our first computer "Mr. Wizard" (long before Windows 95 and that blasted My Computer icon appeared). I realized one day I actually spent more time with Mr. Wizard than I did with Mr. O'Neal. So Mrs. Wizard was "born" and I haven't been able to get rid of her yet! She's the technical side of me. She's the power Windows user, and Techno-woman my husband will never want to know. The only problem is that she is usually a little opinionated and quite frankly, I never know what she is going to say. Just enjoy her...
I do!
If you live in the Memphis and surrounding areas and would like to learn more about your computer, I am only a phone call away. With my laptop in tow to take notes for you to keep, training sessions come to your home or office. You will learn on your own equipment. These are very personalized sessions, geared to every person's specific computer questions.
New Phone Number (replaces 901-753-6990):
