works great on Win95/98/2000/NT/ME and XP
It works with Vista even!
Download the latest version
Remember the little wooden rulers when we were kids? They seemed to be a mainstay for every school supplies list. I used to wonder if there was a special place for lost rulers. Mine never seemed to make it from year to year.

Now I'm a "big girl," a ruler still comes in handy. I've been using JRuler Pro for a few years and recently realized this is the one ruler I haven't managed to lose!
The latest version (3.0) seems to work great on my Vista machine. The older version I have had for years wouldn't even open and I was a bit concerned I would be losing an old friend until I finally got around to looking for (and finding) version 3. WHEW! I can't imagine not having my trusty ruler handy!
JRuler Pro will allow you to accurately measure anything on your computer screen. Use it to measure graphics, web page browser sizes, whatever you want. It can display measurements in Pixels, Inches, Picas or Centimeters. What a great way to learn the differences!
There isn't any installing to worry about. Just download the zip file (only 494 Kb), open it up and move the jruler.exe file to any folder you choose. Double clicking it will cause the program to run. It is such a useful program and very simple to use. Drag it wherever you want on your screen and measure away! Heck, the help file is only one page long, so you won't even be stressing over learning a new program.
The pro version is only $19 (worth every dime), but if you prefer, there is a FREE version available, along with several other useful freeware and shareware offerings on the website. JRuler (the freeware version) is not adware or spyware, just great software!
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