Mrs. Wizard Does Windows
Mrs. Wizard

"I have traveled the length and breadth of this country and talked with the best people, and I can assure you that data processing is a fad that won't last out the year."
... The editor in charge of business books for Prentice Hall, 1957



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FREEWARE 400 Kb download
Works with NT, 2000 and XP as well as Win9x

Tiny Treasure - IconoidHi there :)
I installed Iconoid recently, and today was the first time I really needed it.  After a reboot caused by my puter freezing I was dismayed to see my icons had re-arranged themselves as they wished, and I thought I'd wasted my time installing Iconoid.  However, in case others are faced with the same situation I can perhaps be of help....all I did was opened Iconoid, then closed it again without changing a thing, and hey presto!  my icons were back in their usual places :)

I wish you a happy hallow'een and my hopes alsao that you don't overload on pumpkin pie! :)



Gerry! Thanks for steering me to this website and Iconoid.  Covering our fannies and remembering the exact position of each icon is one of many neat things Iconoid will do.  It is a Windows desktop icon manager that can help with all sorts of things.  The installation file is just a 400 Kb download.  It takes very few resources to run so it won't gum up your system or hog resources.  It is SILLYWARE!  If you like it, there is a SILLYWARE page to send the author something silly for a nice thank you.

The author of Iconoid pretty much says it all with, "There is no AdWare, no SpyWare, no Nag screens.  You are free to use it forever.  No payment of any kind is required or expected.  But if you like it, it would be nice if you would send the author something silly and completely devoid of value.  That's what SillyWare is all about!"

You really must see this most unusual website!





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