Mrs. Wizard Does Windows
Mrs. Wizard
The stuffy, sneezy, why-the-heck-is-the-room-
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1.02 Mb download

tiny treasure FontPageIt's a GREAT little FREEWARE application. You can't get into any trouble installing it or fiddling with it. FontPage is simply a simple tool to view your fonts, including all the fonts you have installed on your computer, and any font collection you have stashed in other folders. You can't accidentally uninstall or install fonts with it, but you can sure see what you have in quite a few different ways. You can also easily print your font list or a list of sample fonts.

FontPage is just a 1.02 Mb download, which certainly qualifies it in the size department as a Tiny Treasure, but there is plenty more. You can view any typeface in bode, italic, underline and 2-D styles. There is also a Character Table with Copy to Clipboard and print options. The comparison window has two displays with a user input box where you can type your own sample text. This is really handy when you need to dig through many fonts, looking for a font with special characteristics.

Visit the website and learn more.




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