Dictionary.com Toolbar
Internet Explorer Toolbar
Firebox Plug-ins
It’s easy to install, easy to use, and FREE of charge. I stumbled on it quite by accident one day when old Mr. Wizard was in the computer room with me thrashing out an email (to an old high school girl friend). He’ll be meeting her again after more than 40 years at a high school reunion in October. He kept asking me how to spell one thing after another. All of a sudden, my grammar and spelling skills were of special interest to him. Since I had my own irons in the fire on another computer, I went to http://dictionary.com and sent a nice little shortcut straight to his desktop so he could look things up on his own. He was happy, and so was I, especially when I saw their FREE little toolbar. I installed it on all our computers so neither of us will need to grope for words again.
Once you have it installed, just open your Internet Explorer and connect to the Internet to have access to a full dictionary and thesaurus service. It is a lot faster than shuffling through pages and pages of an outdated dictionary left over from high school days. Type the word you are looking for in the search box and hit the Enter key on your keyboard. It really is that simple!

Firefox users ...
Never fear. There is a collection of FREE Firefox plugins from Dictionary.com that can be added to your Firefox search box. You can search the dictionary, thesaurus or the encyclopedia just as easy as you search anything else. It is wonderful!
Back to the old girlfriend ...
Do I have anything to worry about? Nope ... I went to the reunion with him, she is 10 years older than I am, and old Mr. Wizard and I have 33 years of history. Now who on earth could compete with that??? He’s such a sweetie! And I’m his little GODDESS
Got questions?
Search mrswizard.com and compuquicktips.com
with Google!