Mrs. Wizard Does Windows
Mrs. Wizard

Quick Tip...

If your computer
says "Printer out of Paper,"
This problem cannot be
resolved by continuously
clicking the OK button.



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The OOPS DragonDon't you just hate it when you are furiously pounding away on your keyboard, (you are really on to something this time) and you think you finally have the document or picture just the way you want it? Then, all of a sudden, the Mistake Gremlin jumps on your hand, snatches your mouse, and clicks on some awful color, or a button that causes your type to disappear or drop down to another paragraph.

This is not the time to panic. So what, if it is several hours of work we are talking about? So what, if that nervous breakdown you have been putting off is about to happen...NOW? Just sit back, relax, and look at the menu at the top of your screen. To the right of the word File is the word Edit, and it could be the troops that will save the day! Click on it and see if the word Undo is available. If it is, click on it and watch that bad old gremlin disappear! The Undo feature is available in most of your Windows programs. Most people will find it useful in their word processor programs.

The keyboard command to UNDO is CTRL+Z. This means while holding down the CTRL key, press (once) on the Z key. Try it! Tatoo it to your body. You never know when you will need it.

You may find it especially handy when you are in a program where you are trying to lay out graphics with your text. Art programs are another place this tool is really indispensable. Feel free to experiment with different colors and textures. If you don't like the results, just click Edit and then click Undo! A word of caution though... Most programs only give you one chance to go back, so click Undo as soon as you make that little blooper. You may not have another chance!












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