This really means "make it fill your screen." It's the little button to the right of the Minimize button at the top right corner of every window. Don't confuse this with the Minimize button. It really has a totally different function. This button has two different looks. If you see two windows overlapping (bottom), it means the window is as big as it can be. Click it once and your new window will become resizable. It may even become noticeably smaller. You will know it is resizable when you move the mouse pointer to any outside edge of any window. If you see double ended arrows, you can click and hold the left mouse button down and drag the window edge in or out, up or down to make it larger or smaller.
Having a window fill the entire screen may be fine for those of you who don't want any distractions. If you want to make the most of today's computing experience though, it is certainly possible to have two or more windows open and sized on your desktop. Arrange individual windows by dragging them by their title bars. The Title Bar is at the top of each window. Usually darker than the rest of the window, it is where you will find the name of the program on the left and the X (to close) on the far right. Move a window around by positioning the pointer somewhere in the middle of this area (away from any buttons and the edge of the title bar). While holding down the left mouse button, move the mouse to drag the window to another area of your desktop.
While you can still click each window's button in the Taskbar to cause it to become the active window and pop to the front of your main screen, the same thing can be accomplished by clicking anywhere in the window itself. The safest place to click is in the Title Bar area. This will cause that window to become the top window and you won't have to worry about accidentally clicking something you shouldn't. There are usually plenty of opportunities to click the wrong thing. This does not have to be one.

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