Mrs. Wizard Does Windows
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Visit Webshots

WebshotsIf you love browsing through photos, you will really enjoy losing yourself in Webshots. It is loaded with wonderful professional photos you can download (using the special Webshots software) for free to use as your desktop wallpaper or screensaver slide show. But that's not all. Use the search feature and browse for anything you like. There are thousands of photos by non professionals that are simply amazing. It is like being able to take a world tour, using nothing but your browser as your window.

There are two levels of membership, Free and Premium. Free members can upload and store up to 1,000 personal photos and download (save) up to 5 photos (including professional) a day. The Premium membership has exclusive Gallery downloads, where you can download of images at a time, unlimited daily downloads and access to the highest quality images. Premium membership also includes personal photo storage for up to 5,000 photos. Cost is $29.88 a year and is certainly worth every penny. I haven't sent photos up to my Webshots space, but I probably will. I certainly enjoy browsing through all the beautiful images though, and have quite a collection downloaded. I love it!



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