SoapMaker Website
$39 to purchase Lite version
$69 for SoapMaker with Inventory Management
30 day FREE trial
Download size: 13 Mb
OK... Even a geek gal steps out of the comptuer line every now and then. Actually it all began with what was supposed to be a simple experiment. I was wondering if someone could learn something completely new using nothing but the Internet as a learning resource. Well you can, and I did!
I'm talking SOAP here, dear readers.
Just like grandma (or if your're young, your great-grandma) used to make, only with a lot more resources and a lot fewer injuries! Making soap today is not a chore. It is an adventure! There is plenty of satisfaction knowing exactly what is in the bar of soap you and your family lather up with. The more simple you can keep it, the less likely someone with sensitive skin will be breaking out in a rash or itching like crazy. And the idea of actually making it yourself, completely from scratch... Now THAT is satisfaction!
There are so many interesting oils available. Some of the best soap contains simple oils readily available (and relatively inexpensive) from your local grocery store. I noticed uqite a few tried and true recipes for soap containing good old fashioned Lard. I recently experimented with that one containing Crisco and it is a nice lather. I've also experimented with Olive, Coconut, Palm and Canola oils and ended up with terrific results.
Toward the beginning of my journey into soap making, I found all kinds of recipes, really good stuff, but in such large quantities it made my brain hurt trying to figure out a way to scale them down to a more manageable size without compromising the recipe. The first time I used SoapMaker, I knew I had a GEM.

SoapMaker is a database program that is specifically tuned for soap and lotion makers. Use it to tweak recipes for solid soap, liquid soap or "non-soap." The non-soap category is for things like lotions, lip balms, face creams, and various other related goodies. This program is a great way to dive into the wonderful world of squeaky clean and wrinkle free using natural oils and additives and avoiding the harsh chemicals and God only knows what else is in the soaps, creams and lotions we see on the market today.
You can enter any soap recipe and click the magic Resize button and safely scale it up or down to suit your specific needs. If you want to work with 1 or 2 pound batches instead of committing to 30 or 40 pounds (definitely need a huge tub), SoapMaker will help you out.
I must admit I am at the very beginning of my soap making journey. I don't intend to give up the computer. Heck it is what makes old Mrs. Wizard's brain tingle with pleasure. But soap making has certainly become a welcome break and a terrific hobby. Be prepared to see lots more pictures of my little triumphs, and maybe even a few of my boo boo's. I'll be chronicling them in the ol BLOG, so be sure to watch. There will still be lots of computer related tips, but don't be surprised if you get to take a peek at something else. As I use SoapMaker more and more, I'll be sure to share all the tips and tricks I find. It is an amazing program and I am looking forward to diving in even more and lathering up with some REALLY good stuff!

$39 to purchase Lite version
$69 for SoapMaker with Inventory Management
30 day FREE trial
Download size: 13 Mb
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