SPAM is no fun. It's a pain in the tail and a major waste of time. If you have an email address posted on the Internet, you are on SPAM lists. If you have ever received a forwarded email from a friend who didn't take the time to remove all the previously forwarded email addresses, you will eventually make it to a SPAM list. If you forward email and are too lazy to copy and paste only the good part into a new email and send to all your friends via BCC (so no email addresses are shared with the public), YOU are contributing to SPAM.
SPAM is really the least of your worries. Mixed with all that junk email are virus and various web cooties. You need the ability to Screen your email before it ever gets near your email inbox.
It's no secret I've been using Mailwasher happily for a long time. It has been the most effective tool for screening email and getting rid of the garbage before it ever makes it to my email program. That is the beauty of Mailwasher. It allows you a peek at your email while it is still on the server. You can "preview" each email in a plain text window, and when you choose to delete, it is deleted from the server. Mailwasher checks for new email every 15 minutes (set it to what you want). Outlook Express, PocoMail and Incredimail are set up to do manual email checks only. That is, they don't automatically do a send/receive the moment they are opened, only when the send/receive button is pushed.
I've been making hubby use it on his computer too. Gads! That man will click anything and insists on continuing to use Outlook Express with the preview window wide open. Since he got used to running his email through Mailwasher first, we have totally eliminated viruses and html email web cooties on his computer.
We have been using MailWasher a few years now, and it is certainly one of the few programs I would never want to give up. Mailwasher Pro 5 is simply the best made better! They have improved their built in intelligent filters that actually learn to distinguish good email from SPAM and the live global community network (FirstAlert) that allows users to report spam to a huge database only improves with time. MailWasher will learn from you as well as our global FirstAlert friends.
You will notice Spamcop ( has been integrated into the MailWasher SPAM Tools for an additional spammer whammy. With a few clicks of the mouse, you can report SPAM to Spamcop, FirstAlert, blacklist it in the future and delete it. The only thing I can think of that might make MailWasher better would be if it could crank out a personal engraved invitation to the next spammer hanging. I want to see their pain! (Oops! Didn't mean to go on a rant!)
Bottom line? If you are already using MailWasher, make sure you have the latest version. It is great! If you haven't tried it yet, what are you waiting for?
Visit the MailWasher website and learn more.
If you aren't ready for the big guns yet, you might want to give MailWasher FREE a go.
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