Learn States and Learn Europe
Open Source FREEWARE
4.5 Mb download
LearnStates ... With kids in school, these two little FREEWARE programs can be a fun way to help them learn a lot about the United States and Europe. It is colorful and a great way to learn the States and their capitals. It isn't just for kids either. There aren't many of us who won't be surprised at how many States and Capitals we don't know. You can use this to get a head start on your kids! There is also a game to help you learn the Provinces of Canada.
LearnEurope ... LearnEurope is a game that helps you learn the names and locations of the Countries of Europe. You can play against your friends or just challenge yourself to see how well you can do. All these games are less than 5 Mb downloads, easy to install, and kind to your operating system. And heck folks! They are all just plain FUN!!
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