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gemAcoustica Mixcraft

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Latest version works great with Vista!
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MixCraft 5 Tutorials

Buy Mixcraft Pro Studio 6 (Download)Sometimes a girl just has to have some fun, and sometimes a program comes along that helps her do just that! Mixcraft has added a new version to a pretty impressive list of Acoustica sound products. This program is powerful enough to use as a full blown sound studio. All you need is a microphone and your computer. Now I’m not a professional musician or DJ (hehehe), but I love fiddling with music. What I don’t love is having to actually KNOW what I’m doing. Mixcraft and Audio Mixer take all the guesswork out of the equation. All I have to do is decide what I want.

It all began a few years ago when I did some web updates for Herschel Freeman Agency. They needed 30 second to 1 minute clips of selected songs from artists’ cds to post on their web so visitors could listen to samples before purchasing. I knew what I needed to do, and tried all kinds of other freeware and shareware programs with varying results. Nothing seemed to be quite idiot proof enough for me. Audio Mixer ended up being exactly what I needed. I didn’t need to be a brain surgeon to use it, and it did exactly what I needed, with no fancy footwork required on my part. Mixcraft is the next generation, has all the same features as Audio Mixer and adds more than enough to satisfy a pro. And the neatest part is even a casual user will find many of the tools valuable and easy to use. When Herschel was ready for me to completely redesign his website in 2006, we decided to use entire songs instead of just clips. I was able to put those songs into Flash "music boxes," but I still needed to get the music he provided off the CDs and in a format I could use. Acoustica came to the rescue again with Acoustica MP3 CD Burner. That little gem made it easy to take the songs off the CDs and save them as MP3 files in folders.

Mixcraft 3If you visit the Acoustica website, you will see all sorts of testimonials from sound professionals. I am not one of them, but I’m not going to let that slow me down. I know what I like to do, and Mixcraft is the tool I use. So... From a total nonprofessional audiophile, here’s how I use Mixcraft.

Two words - Shower Diva ... There! It’s finally out, and with Mixcraft I have discovered a brand new way to torture my husband of 30 years. I’m going to let myself go! Turn my hidden DIVA self loose and make some very personal CDs for him to listen to in the car. Can’t get a more captive audience than that, folks. Can you just see the look on his face when he realizes his lovely bride’s voice is chiming in on his favorite oldies but goodies? I might just make a whole cd just for him to listen to on the next long road trip (over and over).

Shower divaI can’t emphasize enough the fun I had playing around with this little program. It is so easy to clip out what you don’t need, apply special effects to individual tracks (there are plenty to choose), and copy and paste sections so it sounds like a whole chorus of Mrs. Wizards chiming in with Jay & the Americans.

On my test/sample file, I only put two of me in. Never let it be said Old Mrs. Wizard was afraid to stick her neck out and bare her soul for her beloved readers!

Click here to download and listen to my little creation.

Hubby is the latest in our household to develop an obsession with Mixcraft 5. He's been spending a little time with the various videos and comes away inspired more and more each time. There's nothing like learning a little something new each day!

Check out Mixcraft and download a trial version. Release YOUR Shower Diva! Plague your spouse and irritate your friends. Make a CD for your car (automatic door locks optional) and watch your passengers drop like flies! God! I LOVE my job!







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