DraggingIn Windows, dragging and dropping files from one directory to another is as simple as it sounds. Whenever you see instructions that call for dragging a file or an icon, it means to position your mouse pointer on the file name (or the icon), and while holding your left mouse button down, drag the file to the location you want. The big thing is not to let go of it until you are quite sure it is where you want it to be. Once you let go, you are committed. DroppingDropping is what you do when you get the file exactly where you want it. You let go of the left mouse button and drop the file into the directory you want to move or copy it to. The best way to make sure the file is going where you want it to go is to watch the directory you are transferring it to. When you are right on target, the directory will highlight to indicate that what you are doing is going to involve this directory. This is when you can let go of your left mouse button. Check your messagesThe nice thing about Window is that you usually have a chance to change your mind. Read any little messages that pop up asking you if "you're sure" you want to copy or move the selected files to the directory you have chosen. If it doesn't match, hit the cancel button and try again. One of the best habits you could develop is taking the time to read the messages that will appear from time to time. The little bit of time you spend doing this could save you a whole lot of time in the long run. Use the right mouse button ...Check those messages to make sure the file you want to move or copy is actually being moved or copied. When you left click and drag a file from one drive to another, it will automatically be copied (leaving the original intact). If you are dragging it from one directory to another on the same drive, you will bemoving the file. You may prefer to just copy the file to another directory. If this is the case, simply hold down the CTRL key while you are dragging that file. This way you will be copying not moving. If you use the right mouse button to drag your files, you will always have a choice when you reach your destination and let go of the mouse button. This is good. You can always choose cancel if you miss your target, and you can certainly choose if you want to copy or move a file. When all else fails ...You can Undo the last screwup by using the keyboard command CTRL+Z. While holding down the CTRL key on your keyboard, press the letter Z once.
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