AZZ Cardfile
Download AZZ Cardfile and you will quickly see why Mrs. Wizard registered hers almost immediatey. is a little larger than a floppy disk... but hey... when was the last time you saw a floppy disk? So today it is officially being moved to the GEMS area. At only 1.97 Mb, you won't be spending all day downloading.
To install AZZ Cardfile, download the installation file, then double click azzCardfile_4000_Setup.exe (the file you downloaded) to begin the installation. It's a simple, classy replacement for the old Windows Cardfile, which hasn't been available since Windows 3.1. Visit the website to learn more and get it! Once you have it installed, you can delete the installation file. You won't need it any more.
When I got my vista machine, azz was one of the first programs I wanted to make sure worked. Fortunately I only had a couple of weeks to wait before a beta (test) version was available for Vista. I got it immediately and even though it was a little rough around the edges, it was still familiar and comfortable to work with. I honestly don't know what I would do without it! If you like to keep things organized and easy to get to, you will love it too! Now it will work on everything from Windows 98 to Windows Vista and 7. It is amazing and the best $29 you will ever spend.

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