Mrs. Wizard Does Windows
Mrs. Wizard
RAM DISK is not an installation procedure.




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3.3 Mb download
Shareware (try before you buy)
Visit the website for more information and to download

You really need to try this viewer/organizer to believe it. Not only does it give you a lean and mean application to view, organize and install your fonts, it is a great way to view special characters and graphic fonts. An added attraction is the ability to quickly create 3D graphics out of your fonts and characters. Just type what you want, hit the 3D Text tab and have a ball fiddling with the controls and tweakers. X-fonterSave your handiwork as a .jpg file or copy it to the clipboard for quick paste action into your favorite word processor or graphic program.

X-Fonter has grown a lot since I first used it a few years ago. It is amazing what the new version will do now, and still be just as easy to use.

The installation file is only a little over 3 Mb, just a few short minutes on a modem connection. Installation is a snap.

It works great on a Windows XP machine and once installed, you will be up and running with it in no time at all.




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